Notes on Luke 24:47 The Tsunami Impact of the Good News
Luke 24:47 The 1prophetic Scriptures also conclude, that 2the proclaiming of this message, 3celebrating the authority and meaning of his name, will inevitably lead to a 4co-knowing, a joint-awakening, 5engaging the
Recent update to 1 John chapter 1
1:1 The 1Logos is the source; everything commences in him. The initial reports concerning him that have reached our ears, and which we indeed bore

Mirror Study Bible Text Updates
Mirror Text and Commentary Updates I do regular text and commentary tweaks and updates as I go along – when I work on a new
New release: The Beautiful Gospel of John as a separate book
We have just released the beautiful Gospel of John as a separate book, it’s a beautiful taster to introduce folk to the Mirror Bible! It
Divine Embrace new 2020 revision
The long awaited revision of DIVINE EMBRACE is finally done! Revised 440 page, 30 chapters. Available in print and Kindle! ❤️ Your old Divine Embrace
Philippians Audiobook Now Available
Philippians (Mirror Bible) is now available as an audiobook! Find it here on Audible.