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Acts Volume 1

Acts Volume 1
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“The Single Grain Of Wheat Did Not Remain Alone”
In this second book of Luke, his focus is on the amazing events that followed in the early years AD.

J.B. Phillips writes in his introduction to his translation of the book of Acts:

This book is characterized by the same easy-flowing Greek of Luke’s Gospel. There are 50 words that only occur in these two works and nowhere else in the NT.

As in his Gospel, Luke shows the same deep interest in women, the same sympathy for the sick and poor, and the same concern for Gentiles.

There is also the same doctor’s precision in the use of medical language.

Now in much modern evangelism, the main plank of the platform is the emphasis, again and again, upon the utter sinfulness of man.

“The Bible says, ‘all have sinned’.” the modern evangelist would shout.  “The Bible says, ‘There is none righteous, no not one.’  ‘The bibles says, ‘All our righteousness are as filthy rags'”

Indeed, the modern technique of arousing guilt by quoting isolated text of scripture is not found in this book at all.

Naturally enough The Jews on the Day of Pentecost were ‘pricked to the heart’. For as a race they were responsible not only for the rejection but for the public execution of God’s Christ.

But we do not read any similar reaction when the Gospel is preached to the Gentiles.


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    “The Single Grain Of Wheat Did Not Remain Alone”
    In this second book of Luke, his focus is on the amazing events that followed in the early years AD.

    J.B. Phillips writes in his introduction to his translation of the book of Acts:

    This book is characterized by the same easy-flowing Greek of Luke’s Gospel. There are 50 words that only occur in these two works and nowhere else in the NT.

    As in his Gospel, Luke shows the same deep interest in women, the same sympathy for the sick and poor, and the same concern for Gentiles.

    There is also the same doctor’s precision in the use of medical language.

    Now in much modern evangelism, the main plank of the platform is the emphasis, again and again, upon the utter sinfulness of man.

    “The Bible says, ‘all have sinned’.” the modern evangelist would shout.  “The Bible says, ‘There is none righteous, no not one.’  ‘The bibles says, ‘All our righteousness are as filthy rags'”

    Indeed, the modern technique of arousing guilt by quoting isolated text of scripture is not found in this book at all.

    Naturally enough The Jews on the Day of Pentecost were ‘pricked to the heart’. For as a race they were responsible not only for the rejection but for the public execution of God’s Christ.

    But we do not read any similar reaction when the Gospel is preached to the Gentiles.

    Here are a few endorsements:

    In a world where Bible translations and paraphrases are ubiquitous, The Mirror Study Bible is uniquely beautiful and helpful! Submitted to the original texts and the abiding guidance of the Holy Spirit, Francois du Toit carefully and meticulously opens and explores the treasures of Scripture. Not only does it satisfy the demands of the intellect, but it overwhelms the heart. WM PAUL YOUNG – Author of The Shack

    Francois’ love for the text, his sheer exegetical courage and his astonishing ability to express essential biblical pre-suppositions in the intimate Love language of God, have opened for Judith and me a renewed and transformative biblical understanding. BOB and JUDITH MUMFORD – www.lifechangers.org

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