God Believes In You

God Believes In You

You are the expression of the greatest idea that ever was! Every human life is equally valued and represented in Christ. He gives context and reference to our being as in a mirror; not as an example for us, but of us.

God believes in you, whether you believe in him or not.

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    “Bring me a coin, whose image and inscription does it bear?” Luke 20:20-26. He might as well have said, “Bring me a man, whose image and inscription does he bear?” The image and inscription of God is engraved in our inner consciousness. “Return to Caesar what belongs to him, and to God what is his.”

    The lost coin never lost its original inscription or value. In all three parables in Luke 15 Jesus emphasizes that you cannot be lost unless you belong! We are not the invention of our parents. It is not our brief history on planet earth that introduces us to God; he knew us before he formed us in our mother’s womb! Jer 1:5.

    Every human life is equally valued and represented in Christ. He gives context and reference to our being as in a mirror; not as an example for us, but of us. The “ugly duckling” saw reflected in the water the truth that freed the swan! Ps 23 says, “He leads me beside still waters, and restores my soul”; or this can be translated, “by the waters of reflection my soul
    remembers who I am!”

    You are the expression of the greatest idea that ever was! God wrote the script of your DNA when he knitted you together in your mother’s womb, the code is “Christ in you!”

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    Amazon Customer on Amazon wrote:

    Understanding one’s value and worth in the eyes of God as the author describes is truly enlightening to say the least. This book transcends all kinds of man made religious barriers. It is a must read for anyone who wants to be inspired and have their passion for life, and love for people, ignited again.

    Bessie W. Rhoades on Amazon wrote:

    Du Toit gets it. He knows God. He truly knows our Father. […] I have never been washed over by such excellent words of truth and grace. I cry at the goodness of the revelation revealed in this book. […] Do yourself and anyone you know who is struggling with their purpose or worth a favor. You couldn’t ever give them a gift of greater value that what is contained in this book.

    John Mansfield on Amazon wrote:

    This, truly, is what the Gospel – the Good News – was always meant to be! Just hearing and believing who we really are in Jesus and what it entails – seeing everyone as God sees them – all children of His, created in His likeness and no longer held in the Adamic personage, but alive in Christ!


    Life sometimes seems to be like a mighty magnet, which compels one almost in remote control fashion. Yet if karma has the final say, why would it appear that some people are luckier than others? Our own thoughts, words, choices, habits and attitudes continue to turn and empower circumstances, events and people, which in turn touch and shape our destiny. Yet we often find ourselves trapped in confusion where life no longer seems to make any sense. I believe that within the horizon of our hearts, the voice of our spirit echoes truth. We are designed to explore and discover our inmost self, the wealth of light and life within our reach. Even the sense of hopelessness in a crisis would prompt us to dig deeper to find a rock-solid foundation inside of us. I trust that this writing will challenge and stir you to the core of your being and your beliefs to remove every trace of the substitute, man-made self-image with its glorious head of golden glitter and its silvery bust and bronze body. The little stone that was cut out by no human hand is destined to strike that image of vanity and piety on its feet of iron and clay and become in its place a Rock that fills the whole earth; the true image and likeness of God, restored and revealed in ordinary human life. (Daniel 2:32-35) My sincere desire is that my message will accurately unveil the mystery of Christ in its most complete context: You! Col 4:4 Mirror Bible