Home of the Mirror Bible

Little Bear and the Mirror

Little Bear and the Mirror

A little bear, suffering from terrible fear, finds a caring friend in a squirrel. The squirrel then asks wise Miss Owl for advice.

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    This priceless story’s audiobook can be downloaded for free below. You can also listen to her lovely song, Mirror Mirror on the Wall, beautifully sung by Godfrey Birtill.


    Listen to the complete audiobook of Little Bear and the Mirror, read by Lydia du Toit:


    ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall’ sung by Gogfrey Birtill:


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    Denise Thomas wrote:

    “A delightful read to discover the indwelling Christ for
    young and old alike! The wonderful truth that “in God, we live and move and have our
    being” is beautifully written and illustrated in this treasure of a book.
    Lydia’s spiritual insights have become a touchstone for the next

    Shana Orser wrote:

    “This darling story will warm your heart and free you from fear. It is
    written for children of all ages – 3 to 103- because it holds the secret
    to life. The sweet characters capture children’s attention while the
    simple message liberates you. Discover with Little Bear the wonder of the mirror!”

    Isolde Bonaso wrote:

    “AT LAST! In the vein of great classics like Wind in the Willows by
    Kenneth Grahame, and AA Milne’s Winnie The Pooh, both reader and
    listener are enthralled and captivated by the delightful characters in
    this extremely deep, yet addictively humorous journey of discovery of
    Squirrel, Bear and Owl!”


    “There is only one reason for gibbering, shivering, jiggling and joggling fearful cold,” she read in her big, fat book of Wisdom Whoppers. “This cold is not outside but inside and is a big, big problem if not cured! It will make your eyes see funny things and your ears hear funny noises and your tummy turn in funny circles — a dreadful condition indeed!”

    Mrs. Owl wondered to herself, “If the cold is inside and not outside, how can I get what is in, out?”

    “I’ve got the answer!” shouted Owl with great joy. “The cold must get out the the same way it got in!”

    “The thoughts in our heads become the words in our mouths and then change into the doors that keep in and keep out!!”

    “You see, Squirrel, our thoughts are very powerful. The thoughts in our heads are the secret place where all the wonders of the earth are stored, churned, milled, ground and made. But there, we can also hold dark, scary thoughts and lies. Those thoughts turn into words, either good ones or bad ones! We need to know the secret of how to lock in the good thoughts and let them get rid of the bad ones — just like light gets rid of darkness, effortlessly! Light is stronger than darkness. God’s Mirror is His thoughts about us; that’s the key!”

    “It’s a magic Mirror,” replied Squirrel excitedly. “It lets you see the truth that unlocks the door to let the gibbering, shivering, jabbering, jiggling cold out. Wise owl said that the cold could only get out the way it got in! So Little Bear, take this Mirror. Look deeply into it.”

    Squirrel waited with eager curiosity, “Tell me, what do you see?”

    Little Bear took the Mirror and gazed deeply. The more he looked, the wider his grin spread along his big bear mouth.

    “I see me,” said Little Bear.

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