My Philosophy in doing the Mirror Study Bible
Why The Mirror Translation
Understanding the Bible
Introduction to Luke
Luke’s Gospel
Introduction to John
John’s Gospel
Introduction to Romans
Notes on Circumcision
Introduction to 1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians
Introduction to 2 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Introduction to Galatians
Introduction to Ephesians
Introduction to Philippians
Introduction to Colossians
Introduction to 1 Thessalonians
1 Thessalonians
Introduction to 2 Timothy
2 Timothy
Introduction to Titus
Introduction to Philemon
Philemon Chapter 1
Introduction to Hebrews
Notes on Hebrews Chapter 1
Hebrews Chapter 9 Extended Notes:
-Notes on The First and Second Death
-So, what about the Second Coming?
-The Restoration of All Things
-The same Cloud which “took him from view” now reveals him
-Parousia does not mean 2nd coming
-The Two Dispensations referenced in the book of Hebrews
Introduction to James
1 Peter (1,2,3,5)
2 Peter (1)
1 John
Introduction to Revelation
-The Lamb of God
-The Throne of God
-The Day of the Lord
-Eschatology Redefined
-The Son of Man is the Son of God
-Jewish Audience
-The Theme of the Book
-The Text
Revelation Chapter 1
– Notes on the Number Seven
– Notes on the Day of the Lord
– Notes on the Ekklesia
Revelation Chapter 2
– Notes on The Son of Man is the Son of God
– Notes on Food offered to Idols
– Notes on the Rod of Iron
Revelation Chapter 3
– Notes on Thief in the Night
– Notes on Our God Identity
– Notes on the City Bride
Revelation Chapter 4
Revelation Chapter 5
Revelation Chapter 6
Revelation Chapter 7
Revelation Chapter 8
Revelation Chapter 9
– Notes on The Fallen Star as The Bright Morning Star
– Notes on The Abyss
– Notes on Idols and Demons
Revelation Chapter 10
– Notes on the Solemn Oath
Revelation Chapter 11
– Notes on the Measure of the temple
– Notes on the 2 Witnesses in Sackcloth
– Notes on the Inner Shrine
Revelation Chapter 12
– Notes on Ophis the Old Serpent
Revelation Chapter 13
– Notes on Counterfeit Christianity
– Notes on the Mark of the Beast
– Notes on an Open Heaven
Revelation Chapter 14
– Notes from Mt Sinai to Mt Zion
– Notes on the 144,000 Virgins
Revelation Chapter 15
Revelation Chapter 16
– Notes on the Brazen Altar
– Notes on Armageddon
Revelation Chapter 17
– Notes on the Lamb’s Book of Life
– Notes on End Times Redefined
– Notes on the Triumph of the Lamb
– Notes on Babylon’s Fall
Revelation Chapter 18
Revelation Chapter 19
– Notes on the Hidden Name
– Notes on the Shepherd King
– Notes on the Winepress of God’s Passion
– Notes on the Lake of Fire and the 2nd Death
Revelation Chapter 20
– Notes on the Thousand Years
– Notes on the Testimony of Jesus
– Notes on Israel
Revelation Chapter 21
– Notes on the New heaven and New Earth
The Splendor of the Gates
Revelation Chapter 22
Extended Commentary on Rev 22
Thoughts on Judgment
Thoughts on the Blood
Thoughts on Worship
Biographical Note
References and Resources
If you want to learn, see, and experience the truth of who you truly are in Jesus without religion, this is the book for you!!!!
I LOVE this Bible and use it often when I study or teach. It has helped me with passages that I struggled with for years!
I continue to be awed by this beautiful book. A translation in process, The Mirror Bible has spoken to my heart with crystal clear language, holding up a looking glass so that I can see once and forever my true nature, my real origin, my everlasting identity. I’m so pleased with it! It is, in my belief, the most significant rendering of God’s word in this generation. The Spirit SINGS through the pages of The Mirror Bible! The understanding of Grace is so beautiful, so pure, and so refreshing that I truly can’t put it down.
I highly recommend The Mirror Bible and encourage anyone who is considering it to delve deep into the beautiful, gracious words on each page. 
About the Mirror Bible
The incarnation is the most accurate and articulate translation.
Any sincere student of classical music would sensitively seek to capture and interpret the piece so as not to distract from the original sound of the composition.
To form an accurate conclusion in the study of our origin would involve a peering over the Creator’s shoulder as it were, in order to gaze through his eyes and marvel at his anticipation. His invisible image and likeness is about to be unveiled in human form.
The incarnation celebrates the fact that the destiny of the Word was not the page but tangible human life! The word of truth accurately preserve’s God’s original idea in the resonance of our hearts.
3:2 Instead of an impressive certificate framed on my wall I have you framed in my heart! You are our Epistle written within us, an open letter speaking a global language; one that everyone can read1 and recognize as their mother tongue! (1 Anaginosko, to know again; to read with recognition.)
3:3 The fact that you are a Christ-Epistle shines as bright as day! This is what our ministry is all about. The Spirit of God is the living ink. Every trace of the Spirit’s influence on the heart is what gives permanence to this conversation. We are not talking law-language here; this is more dynamic and permanent than letters chiseled in stone. This conversation is embroidered in your inner consciousness. (It is the life of your design that grace echoes within you!)
The Mirror Bible is a paraphrase from the original Greek text. While the detailed shades of meaning of every Greek word have been closely studied, this is done taking into account the consistent context of the entire chapter within the wider epistle, and bearing in mind the full context of Jesus as the revealer and redeemer of the image and likeness of the invisible God in human form, which is what the message of the Bible is all about.
People who have stopped reading the Bible or never even read it before say about The Mirror, “I have never read anything that touched me so deeply, it is a brand new Bible, I cannot wait to give it to all my friends!”
To assist the reader in their study, the author have numerically superscripted the Greek word and corresponded it with the closest English word in the italicized commentary that follows. This is to create a direct comparison of words between the two languages. Many words used in previous translations have adopted meanings in time that distract from the original thought. Individual words can greatly influence the interpretation of any conversation.
For years deliberate as well as oblivious errors in translations were repeated and have empowered the religious institutions of the day to influence, manipulate and even abuse masses of people. Consider the word metanoia, consisting of two components, meta, together with, and nous, mind, suggesting a radical mind shift. This word has always been translated as “repentance,” which is an old English word borrowed from the Latin word, penance. Then they added the “re” to get even more mileage out of sin consciousness. Re-penance. This gross deception led to the perverted doctrines of indulgences, where naive, ignorant people were led to believe that they needed to purchase favor from an angry god. Most cathedrals as well as many ministries were funded with guilt money.
The Bible is a dangerous book! It has confused and divided more people than any other document. Scriptures have been used to justify some of the greatest atrocities in human history. People were tortured, burned to death and multitudes murdered based on somebody’s understanding of the scriptures!
The Mirror unveils the Incarnation Code as the key that unlocks the mystery message of scripture.
Jesus, Paul and believers throughout the ages faced their greatest opposition from those who knew the scriptures. If it is such a dangerous document, how does one approach the book? The Mirror unveils the Incarnation Code as the key that unlocks the mystery message of scripture.
The romance of the ages is revealed here.