Dear Francois and ministry friends, thank you for the links. I have also read your latest translations of 1 Cor 13 and 2 Cor 3-5 and am very blessed and edified by the uplifting and encouraging words. God bless you richly.
I am co-crucified to co-reign! I can not thank you enough for the Mirror Translation! It is by far the most amazing translation EVER written. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you all are doing.
I’ve been reading your Mirror translation online. It has transformed me and through your work I am getting such a new outlook on the glorious gospel. I love different translations and have about a dozen, but your work has really revealed something fresh! Thank you so much!
I am enjoying my new existence in perfect and unbroken fellowship with God! He has possessed me with the revelation of the Gospel of His Underserved Favor and Grace and now I am passionately spreading the glorious gospel like a wild man everywhere I go, haha! I am completely drunk and satisfied and extremely happy and high on the finished work of the Cross, and I must say that I totally love this ministry — it means a lot to me and I get completely whacked-up reading the mirror translation and the writings of Francois Du Toit. Shaaka lakaa!
I had an encounter with God I would like to share. In the vision I was walking along a road when all of a sudden Jesus was walking along side of me. He put His arm on my shoulder and mine on His as we walked—our legs and feet synchronized step for step. After a short time He produced a hand-held mirror. He handed it to me. My reflection was no longer my face but His. I stood behind Him and watched as He looked into the mirror…. His reflection was of my face. If we see Him in the mirror and exchange places with our reflection as we go forth, we are surely walking with Him in us, and us in Him. This spoke Gal 2:20 in me so loudly! So much joy! I adore the language of the Mirror ~ this vision is tied to it 🙂 God is so good!
I love the revelation of the finished work of the cross. I can’t get enough of it. I was so blessed to find out about this ministry, and I am enjoying greatly all the audio/text files that you make available. Thank you for boldly declaring the gospel.
What a beautiful message it is. Been enjoying the Mirror Translation and it is a true work of art. I can see the brush strokes of a true masterpiece coming together every time I read it. Thank you!