Home of the

Mirror Study Bible

Francois and Lydia Du Toit

The ministry site of Francois and Lydia du Toit. Teachers and Authors of the Mirror Study Bible, Devotional and Children’s books.

Mirror Study Bible 11th Edition

The Mirror Study Bible is a work in progress. Since its 1st Edition, printed in 2012, the MSB has become a very bulky book.

The single book size of the 11th Edition exceeds 1200 pages, therefore, our Print on Demand Ingram publishers are now printing 3 Separate Volumes of approximately 500 pages each.

The new set of 3 Volumes MSB is now available through most online distributors, such as – on Amazon and Barnes & Noble – 

The set is printed in two formats, Paperback as well as Hardcover [Case Laminate]. These are printed in the UK, USA and Australia and now also in the new Lightning Source facility based in Sharjah within the UAE [serving also the central and North African markets]

Mirror Study Bible
(Volume 1)
Luke's Gospel & Acts

Mirror Study Bible
(Volume 2)
Paul's Epistle, Hebrews, James & Peter

Mirror Study Bible
(Volume 3)
John's Gospel, 1st Epistle & Revelation

Our Mirror Journey

During my 3-year studies at the University of Pretoria [1975-1977], I was triggered with the intrigue of the richness of the language, and how so much of the nuances and early meanings of words have remained hidden and were ultimately lost in many translations over the years.

See Our Book Categories

Mirror Study Bible 11th Edition (Special Edition)

Cover of KAA of the Great Kalahari by Lydia du Toit

Children's Books

Cover of Divine Embrace by Francois du Toit

Other Books by Francois

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Before you Get Started

Explaining my use of Etymology in the Mirror Study Bible


The Mirror Bible, Francois' work with the translation, has changed my view of God, who I am, and how he sees us, and I cannot recommend this enough! Francois wrote Jesus back into the Bible, gifted us with the original intent, and helped me see how it applies to daily life. As I read, I often laugh and cry as it feels like TONS of religious nonsense fall off my shoulders. This truly is an incredible work and reflects God's heart for us in a way that I have not seen other translations portray. A thousand times, YES!, this is such an incredible work, created by people with beautiful hearts.
Louise van Heerden

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