Our HOUSE is fruitful, full of rich foliage covered and enclosed with the canopy of His Love. Francois, words cannot express the shift in our lives since the Mirror Trans. has arrived! Thank you for both of you coming to the States. Since Riverside, our lives continually see that His Light defines our lives, Jesus the Source at the Cross took on visible form in us. We are His address, and He is the revelation of our completeness who accurately declares WHO HE IS WITHIN, born from above. Oh the beauty of our death, burial and resurrection. What He sees is what we believe!!! THANK YOU!!!
I’m 71 years of age and 41 years in Jesus! Loving every moment of life in Him! I have attended Grace Harvest Ministeries pastored by Duncan Filmer for the past ten years who exacerbated my walk in God’s Grace. Pastor Filmer was introduced to God’s grace by Francois du Toit some ~22 years ago. My family and church body have been tremendously blessed by FDT’s translations, paraphrases, conference DVD’s, etc. Mission trips to Ghana, Zambia, South Africa, etc. continue to light up my life. My life’s fullness exists now in continuing to walk with arms outstretched “seeing as He sees”! All glory to Jesus!
[I’ve been a] Christian for a long long time until I came to the grace message two years ago and thought, if I only knew the true gospel I would have lived a victorious abundant life free of laboring and toiling, work performance. Thank you for letting us download and listen to free messages. They are true real gospel. It is so simple and so easy. No more work righteousness. Praise Jesus for freedom. Keep preaching the radical true grace message. When sinners hear they will run to the Lord but it’s sad when Christians hear the grace message and they say “license to sin.” How sad to resist such an awesome finished work of Jesus Christ. I love the grace message, please keep preaching radical grace. My family and I have been transformed beyond words. Praise Jesus!
I just wanted to let you know that I am blessed each day by reading your emails. I have realised so many deeper meanings from them. Be blessed!
I have known the Lord for about 30 years and have only recently begun to understand the mystery of Christ in me. I quickly devoured your Mirror translation and have read several of your books. This message is revolutionizing my life. I feel a freedom that I have never felt. Thank you for your website, your wisdom. Not only are you blessing me, but many here in the Bay area of California, USA.
This is Roger & Karen Winters. We live in Johnson City NY. We had the privilege of hearing Francios’ teaching in 1989. At that time we were associated with a group here in the Binghamton area. He was here for five glorious days & nights. It transformed us. We have never been the same.
We also had the privilege of having Vanessa & Wendy live with us for two months that same year and then Steven Swartz lived with us for 5 months. It was the time of our lives. We have tons of teaching tapes from all of them. The songs impacted us tremendously. Roger is a musician/songwriter. You may have heard of the song “Love Dream”. Roger wrote that. It is based on Francios’ teaching. We get Francios’ thoughts on Facebook.
We have the Ruach translations that Francios did and half of Romans. “Out of the Abundance of the Heart” is a booklet that Francios wrote and I trained up my children with that. I had them memorize the introduction and we used that to teach them for years. Today they are two of the most wonderful people I know. We are eternally grateful for Francios and all the people that have crossed our paths and permanently impacted us.
The Truth is such good news.
Thank you!
Roger & Karen
I am 29 years old and just diving into the identity message. I have been increasingly disconnected with the church over the past few years and have found many translations of the Bible to contradict themselves throughout. I have been starving for truth, answers of substance, and for a clear sense of God’s presence for most of my life. It wasn’t until I came across The Mirror Translation that things started to come together for me.
I love the Mirror Translation and Francois’ teachings. Very good stuff. I’m conference speaker, author, and the owner and operator of TheGraceReformation.com
We live in the rural Northern Plains of North Dakota USA. Our ministry is called Living Waters Freedom Center and we are a company of like minded believers from different back grounds that fellowship together with a passion for the truth of the Word and equipping believers in the gifts to transform our community. These are exciting times and your Mirror translation is so exciting!! Bless you and if you are ever in the Mid-west we would love to host you at our fellowship.
I’ve been mesmerized by the Mirror message. What an amazing reality to live from Christ, from sonship, from perfection, from the opinion of Abba! I love Francois’ teaching and preaching. Thank you for speaking up.